
History, Theatre, Greek and Russian literature, Godard, Angelopoulos and Bergman's movies
Modern Greek philology student. | Kiss me in the rain but also revolt against the aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment | |
My goal in life is to read everything Dostoyevsky has ever written.

Fathers and Sons (Oxford World's Classics)

Fathers and Sons (Oxford World's Classics) - Ivan Turgenev, Richard Freeborn Turgenev's [b:Fathers and Sons|2924651|Fathers and Sons|Ivan Turgenev||1294426] mainly deals with the subject of different ideologies and the struggle to remain true to our beliefs. Simultaneously, the plot is full of characteristics that express everlasting emotions, such as love, pride, obligation, an aspect that brings complexity to the novel.
All in all, an amazing book, one of the best novels I've read this year, and an excellent food for thought, about having absolute standards and worldviews.