
History, Theatre, Greek and Russian literature, Godard, Angelopoulos and Bergman's movies
Modern Greek philology student. | Kiss me in the rain but also revolt against the aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment | |
My goal in life is to read everything Dostoyevsky has ever written.

Going to Meet the Man

Going to Meet the Man - James Baldwin
I know everybody's in trouble and nothing is easy, but how can I explain to you what it feels like to be black when I don't understand it and don't want to and spend all my time trying to forget it?

Οι πρωταγωνιστές κι οι πρωταγωνίστριες των 8 μικρών ιστοριών προσπαθούν με πολυμήχανους κι απελπισμένους τρόπους να κρατηθούν στην επιφάνεια, αποτυγχάνουν κι όμως αγωνίζονται.